BlogLifestyleEdukasi16 Contoh Surat Pribadi Untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Bisa Kamu Tiru

16 Contoh Surat Pribadi Untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Bisa Kamu Tiru

Dipublikasikan oleh Syahya Rembulan dan Diperbarui oleh Annisa Hapsari

Mei 4, 2023

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Mau mengirim surat pribadi untuk teman tapi bingung menulisnya? Jangan khawatir, kali ini Pinhome akan memberikan contoh surat pribadi untuk teman dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa ditulis dari rumah baru atau rumah seken yang Pins huni!

Penggunaan surat pribadi tentunya sudah sangat jarang sekali digunakan saat ini. Kebanyakan orang sering menggunakan media komunikasi untuk berkomunikasi, terutama dengan teman sendiri. Terutama jika kamu tinggal diperkotaan seperti rumah di Jakarta Pusat.

Komunikasi dengan teman dengan menggunakan surat tentunya memiliki kesan tersendiri dibandingkan melalui via chat, lho Pins. Tentunya mengirimkan surat pribadi kepada teman pada momen tertentu. Misalnya Pins tinggal di perumahan Vasa Jagakarsa atau di Avoria Estate, sementara teman kamu tinggal di luar negeri, jarak yang jauh seperti ini akan lebih mudah jika berkirim surat.

Namun, Pins mungkin masih memiliki kesulitan untuk membuat surat pribadi untuk teman. Nah, contoh surat ini mungkin bisa menjadi referensi kamu dalam menulis surat pribadi untuk teman dalam bahasa Inggris. Yuk cek rekomendasinya berikut ini!

Baca juga: 11 Contoh Surat Pribadi untuk Guru & Panduan Membuatnya

Ciri-ciri Surat Pribadi

contoh surat pribadi untuk teman dalam bahasa inggris

Surat pribadi adalah surat yang ditulis oleh seseorang untuk alasan pribadi. Surat bisa dikirim ke keluarga, kerabat, kolega, teman, atau guru. Surat pribadi ini bisa bersifat surat resmi atau non resmi. 

Ada beberapa contoh surat resmi seperti surat izin sakit, surat cuti melahirkan, surat lamaran pekerjaan, dan lain sebagainya. Dalam penulisan surat pribadi resmi tentunya memiliki aturan tersendiri seperti menggunakan KOP surat, bahasa baku dan formal, serta lampiran pendukung. 

Berbeda dengan surat pribadi non resmi yang ditulis tanpa menggunakan KOP surat, salam pembuka dan penutup lebih bebas serta memakai bahasa yang tidak terlalu kaku. Isi dari surat pribadi non resmi juga dapat bersifat personal.

Contoh surat pribadi non resmi seperti surat kepada teman dimana Pins cukup menuliskan apa saja yang ingin kamu ungkapkan, tanpa harus memikirkan penggunaan kata ataupun penyusunan kalimat.

Baca juga: 16 Contoh Surat Pribadi untuk Orang Tua dan Guru, Lengkap!

Cara Membuat Surat Pribadi untuk Teman atau Sahabat

contoh surat pribadi untuk teman dalam bahasa inggris
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Hubungan jarak jauh memang terkadang sulit dilakukan bagi hampir setiap orang. Tak jarang orang yang putus pertemanan karena jarak dan kurangnya komunikasi. Meski kini sudah ada internet yang memungkinkanmu untuk berkomunikasi jarak jauh, namun kini masih ada wilayah di Indonesia yang belum mendapatkan aksesibilitas internet dengan baik.

Jika ini terjadi, penting untuk selalu mengirim surat pribadi untuk menjaga hubungan dengan teman. Atau mungkin Pins juga bisa mulai melirik berbagai perumahan dengan aksesibilitas internet yang baik dengan harga terjangkau di halaman Rumah Eksklusif Pinhome.

Di sana, Pins dapat menemukan berbagai pilihan rumah berlokasi strategis dengan aksesibilitas internet yang baik dan harga terjangkau, seperti Kertamukti Sakti Residence yang dijual mulai dari Rp168 jutaan saja.

Nah, sebelum Pins mengetahui beberapa contoh surat pribadi, ada baiknya mencari tahu cara contoh surat pribadi untuk teman dalam bahasa Inggris terlebih dahulu. Nah, berikut adalah beberapa cara membuat surat pribadi untuk teman yang bisa Pins coba. 

Tanggal Menulis Surat

Pada bagian ini berisi tanggal waktu saat surat ditulis. Biasanya tanggal ditulis di bagian atas surat. 

Contoh: 9th January 2022

Alamat Pengirim

Bagian ini merupakan tempat dimana Pin menulis surat atau alamat asal pengirim tinggal. Alamat ditulis pada bagian kanan atas

Contoh: Jakarta, Bandar Lampung, West Java, dan lain sebagainya.

Salam Pembuka dan Nama Pengirim

Bagian surat pribadi ini menuliskan salam pembuka dan nama penerima surat. Kata umum yang biasa dipakai menggunakan “Dear, …” Berikut contoh greetings pada surat pribadi:

  • My Lovely, …
  • Dear, …
  • Dearest, …
  • Darling, …
  • Sweetheart, …

Pembukaan Surat

Pembukaan surat biasanya diisi dengan awal perkenalan diri (jika Pins baru memulai surat menyurat) atau sebuah kalimat seperti hal nya tanggapan dari surat sebelumnya.

Isi Surat

contoh surat pribadi untuk teman dalam bahasa inggris
Source : Pexels

Bagian isi surat merupakan isi atau inti dari surat tersebut. Pada bagian ini, biasanya penulis akan menyampaikan atau menceritakan seluruh isi surat maupun tujuan dari apa yang Pins ingin tuliskan.

Penutup Surat

Bagian penutup akan berfungsi untuk mengakhiri pembicaraan. Pada bagian ini merupakan penutup yang menunjukan bahwa penyampaian surat akan segera berakhir.

Salam Penutup

Pada bagian salam penutup biasanya berisi tulisan penutup pendek.


  • With love,
  • Regards,
  • Sincerely yours,
  • Your bestie,
  • Your love,

Tanda Tangan Pengirim

Pins juga bisa memberikan tanda tangan atau bisa juga hanya inisial nama saja. Tanda tangan ini juga sifatnya opsional kok, artinya bisa ada atau boleh juga tidak.

Contoh Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris

contoh surat pribadi untuk teman dalam bahasa inggris
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Untuk Pins yang sedang mencari contoh surat pribadi untuk teman dalam bahasa inggris yang sudah cukup dekat. Contoh berikut ini bisa Pins jadikan referensi jika ingin membuat personal letter. Yuk, simak selengkapnya berikut ini!

Contoh Surat Pribadi Untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris

Bandar Lampung, 8th November 2022

Dear My Friend, Alimar

HI, How are you? I hope you and your family are healthy. Here we are also healthy anyway. It’s been a long time so we do not meet, perhaps almost 5 years we do not meet. I really miss wanting to meet and play with you again. I’m very pleased to be sending longing to this letter. 

Alimar what about school? You would not have difficulty getting good grades because you are smart. Soon we will face the National Final Exam, how’s your preparation? Here I was busy all had to follow lessons and try out to get good grades. How about yourself? 

Vacation is coming soon, where do you want to go on vacation? If there have been no vacation plans just here. We can play together again as before. If you want to play here I’d let you know.

What a day for a student right? Please write back and tell me ya my bro!

Your Bestie,


Baca juga: Contoh Surat Edaran Resmi yang Bisa Jadi Referensi

Contoh Surat Permohonan Maaf dalam Bahasa Inggris

contoh surat pribadi untuk teman dalam bahasa inggris
Source : Pexels

Medan, 3rd October 2022

Dearest, Jamal

I want to apologize for my behavior last time. After a few clear reflections that it wasn’t your fault, that I broke up with my girlfriend and maybe that was the best for us. 

Sorry, I’m mad at you and blame you, I’m just sad. I hope this will not damage our friendship and we can go through this period. I understand how you feel now.

Best wishes to your friend,


Contoh Surat Singkat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Solo, 23rd August 2022

Dear Willy,

It has been a long time since I saw you. I am just watching for my holidays to get over and meet you soon. I hope the work has been going well for you at the office.

There’s only a few days left in my holidays and after that it’s back to work. I’ve bought lots of stuff for you. Can’t wait to see you soon!

Your sincerely,


Contoh Membalas Surat Untuk Sahabat Pena Dalam Bahasa inggris

Sragen, 4th June 2022

Sweetheart Alex

Hi, how are you? I hope you are healthy and happy like the last time I saw you.

And thank you for your last letter. Glad to hear from you after so many months. You Seem to be having fun in Italy. Thanks for the photos too.

It’s been a long time since you returned to your country. And it looks like I’m starting to miss you. If you are on vacation, please come to my city, I will take you to some beautiful places here.

Hope we can meet as soon as possible, my friend.

With heart,


Baca juga: 5 Contoh Undangan Tidak Resmi untuk Berbagai Keperluan

Contoh Surat Mengenai Kesibukan dalam Bahasa Inggris

Source : Pexels

Padang, 1st September 2022

Dear my friend Dewi,

It’s a great pleasure to receive a letter from you. I’m sorry I haven’t written for a long time, I was busy with preparation for exams.

You know, I can’t stay that I have some definite duties but I try to help my parents as much as possible. As for me, I hate doing the dishes but unfortunately do it from time to time. However, I like to do my room, it makes me feel cheerful. I’m sure that we should help parents. They support us whatever we start doing and helping is the least we can do for them.

What a great news! I adore kittens, they’re so cute. What is the name of yours, have you already decided on it? Is it a girl or a boy? who presented you with such a wonderful gift?

Now I should go. Look forward to your answer.

With Love,

Intan Permatasari

Contoh Surat Untuk Sahabat Pena Bahasa Inggris

Indramayu, 22nd October 2022

Dear Witha

How’s your day? I’m fine here buddy. May you and your family always be given health and blessings. It’s been a long time Witha we last saw each other? The last time we saw each other it was like when we were in 3rd grade and you moved to Jakarta instead. Now I’m in 7th grade. You too, of course hihi. 

Every meeting there will be such a thing as farewell, because we have met, in jokes, laughter and happiness. Every sadness that is created at this time, will be a witness to the fabric of happiness, and every sadness that is created in the past will be a witness to the ties of brotherhood that we have so far tied tightly.

A very deep sense of longing about a memory in the past will remain eternal even though the meeting is only remembered in the heart.

Your Bestie,

Dewi Cahaya

Contoh Surat Singkat Untuk Sahabat Bahasa Inggris

Source : Pexels

Jakarta, 19th February 2022

Dearest Ali,

Ali, how are you? I really miss you so much, I really want to meet you. If you around at my city, would you like to come at my house and we had a chit chat, while bringing my favourite fruits if you don’t mind, Thankyou

Miss you.


Contoh Surat Valentine dalam Bahasa Inggris

Indramayu, 13th June 2022

My love Rika,

How’s your day? I hope you are always in good health. We haven’t met each other for a long time, precisely after you continued your education in Jakarta and I stayed in Indramayu. It doesn’t feel like it’s been 2 years we haven’t seen each other, Rika. 

Oh, Valentine’s day is near, I definitely don’t forget about our culture, exchanging gifts and chocolates, hehehe. Don’t worry, I’ve sent gifts and chocolates to your house. And I hope that the chocolates and gifts reach your hands on Valentine’s day. Even Though we are far apart now, our childhood habits will continue, right?

I think it’s enough for my letter, don’t forget to reply, okay! I miss you so much!

Your lovely,

Dewi Sarah

Contoh Surat Undangan Kelulusan Bahasa Inggris

Source : Shoutern Living

Jakarta, 13th November 2022

My beloved friend Ando

Hello, Ando! How are you doing in Samarinda? I hope everyone there is doing great. It has been months since you left our city, Jakarta. I have been missing you a lot for months. 

I just want to inform you that I will be graduating from the university next month. And now I am arranging a party with friends and family. I understand that you have a super tight schedule. 

However, I would love it if I could see you at my party. Well, I think there is nothing else I’d like to say. Please tell me immediately if you can come next month. I really hope I can hear from you soon. 

Hope to see you soon!

Sincerely yours,


Contoh Surat Pribadi Tentang Mengunjungi Sahabat

Bandar Lampung, 17th August 2022

Dear Anna

Hi, Anna! I hope you are doing great. It feels like a very long time since I have spoken with you. But very soon, I will be there in your city and we can have all the pending talks, finally!

Just wanted to inform you that I will be visiting New York on September 2nd, 2021 for an interview in your city which is scheduled on September 4th, 2021. I have planned a week-long trip.

This way, I can spend some quality time with you, my childhood friend. I can also take the interview. Make sure that you take some time out for me and show me around the city.

I am totally excited to meet you after so many years. It is going to be the most memorable week for me. Cannot wait to finally see you. Will share my flight and hotel details with you very soon.


Chika Asmarani.

Contoh Surat Pribadi Natal Untuk Sahabat Bahasa Inggris

Source : comunikaribe

Medan, 25th December 2022

Dear Ashley,

I’m so excited to receive your early Christmas gift. I cannot imagine getting it in early December! Thank you so much. Please also tell your parents that I’m saying a bunch of thanks. 

I let you wait for my response on purpose. I was making an accessory using the beads you bought me. I attached some pictures of the accessory I made. Do you want some?

By the way, I plan to sell the accessory. I’m sure that people will be interested to buy it. However, I don’t know the right place to buy unique beads in this city. Do you have any idea, granny?

Oh, and about my study, please don’t worry about it. I’m going to study real hard to get the best result.

Bunch of Love

Marina Andrew

Contoh Surat Ulang Tahun dalam Bahasa Inggris

Jakarta, 30th October 2022

Darling, Dewi.

Hello Dewi, how are you? I Hope you and your family are healthy at home. I am also good at my city.

Wishing you a very happy birthday Dewi. On this special day I would like to dedicate a letter to you Dewi. Dewi, you have always been my strength and inspiration. Would like to thank you for everything Dewi. I would not have been successful in my life without you Dewi. You always stay with me in every condition. You always keep supporting me whenever I’m at my worst. I know these words cannot describe how much I love you. 

I wish you a very happiest birthday once again. I am feeling very sad that on your special day I am not there to celebrate your birthday but Dewi you will always stay in my heart. I hope your birthday is filled with lots of happiness and joy. Enjoy your special day Dewi. On your special day, I am thinking to God because they gave me a best friend like you. I miss you so much, Dewi.

Your Lovely Best Friend

Sasha Braum

Contoh Surat Mengucapkan Selamat Kelulusan Bahasa Inggris

Jakarta, 19th November 2021

Dear Ami,

What a great news! I’m really glad to know that you have passed the Final Examination with such a bright result. Your performance definitely deserves a lot of praise. So, please accept my heartiest congratulations on your grand success.

What are your plans for the future? Waiting for your reply.

With best wishes,

Tyan Miersa

Contoh Surat Untuk Menerima Undangan Bahasa Inggris

Source : Quotemen

Jakarta, 11th October 2022

My dear Arsy,

Lots of thanks for your invitation to the occasion of your 24th birthday celebration. I am looking forward to your loving company on that occasion. I think that will be a joyous gathering of all our friends. In my imagination, I have started tasting the delicious pempek and lenggang that Palembangnese people would prepare. I will see you on 25th October at 6 PM.

I hope you are doing fine. With love,

Sinta Bella.

Contoh Surat Untuk Menolak Undangan Bahasa Inggris

Jakarta, 11th October 2022

My dear Nathan,

Thank you very much for your kind invitation. But I don’t think I’ll be able to accept it as I am busy with my preparations for the Annual Examination. Moreover, My aunt, uncle and my little niece Dina will be visiting our place from Padang on that day. I hope you realize my difficulty. Enjoy a wonderful birthday

Sincerely Yours,


Contoh Surat Pribadi Untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris

Samarinda, 12th March 2022

Dear Clint,

Thank you for your letter. You know I live in a big family, so I have to share a room with a brother or stay with a sister in the evening when our parents have a chance to go to the theater or any other place. I should say it’s very cool to have somebody you can take care of or share your interests with. My brother Tom and I have the same hobby of collecting small chocolates. When we have more than thirty we make a kind of party and eat them all. We sometimes give one or two to my sister. She always looks forward to such occasions. 

Now tell me about that sports club. How can you train there? What working hours does it have? Can you have a personal tutor there?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Best Wishes,

Ghifari Abdul

Itu tadi beberapa contoh surat pribadi untuk teman dan sahabat pena yang bisa jadi referensi kamu. Mengirim surat pribadi untuk teman dalam bahasa Inggris dapat menjadi sarana mengekspresikan rasa sayang kepada teman ataupun sahabat Pins. Jadi, sesekali cobalah untuk mengirimkan surat pribadi untuk teman atau sahabat seperti contoh di atas ya, Pins. Selamat mencoba!

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Kamu juga bisa belajar lebih lanjut mengenai properti di Property Academy by Pinhome. Gabung menjadi Rekan Jasa Pinhome melalui aplikasi Rekan Pinhome di App Store atau Google Play Store sekarang!

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