BlogLifestyleEdukasiKumpulan Ungkapan Selamat Istirahat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kumpulan Ungkapan Selamat Istirahat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Dipublikasikan oleh Nabila Azmi dan Diperbarui oleh Voni Wijayanti

Sep 29, 2023

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selamat istirahat dalam bahasa inggris

Ucapan dalam bahasa Inggris memang banyak dan salah satu yang paling sering dikatakan adalah ungkapan selamat istirahat. Sebagai contoh, orang yang mengirimkan pesan “sleep well” atau “good night” artinya mendoakan agar Pins tertidur nyenyak.

Bagi kamu yang bingung harus mengatakan apa, simak beberapa referensi ucapan selamat malam dalam bahasa Inggris di bawah ini, yuk!

Kata Ucapan Selamat Istirahat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Mengirimkan ucapan selamat malam romantis dalam bahasa Inggris bisa menambah kedekatan kamu dengan orang tersayang, entah itu pasangan, keluarga, maupun sahabat dan teman. Simak apa saja contoh ucapan selamat tidur dalam bahasa Inggris di bawah ini!

Selamat Istirahat untuk Keluarga

Berikut ini kumpulan ucapan selamat istirahat dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu kirim

  • Good night, I hope you will have only sweet dreams tonight.
  • Good night! I’m sending you my warm hugs and best wishes.
  • I hope that you will continue to rest easy and sleep peacefully. Good night, my dear.
  • I hope you can find some sweet sleep after looking at the star’s light tonight. They’ll serve as a guide for your dreams, so I’m sure it will bring you happiness and joy.
  • Whether or not you had a bad day, be sure to end it positively. Think about tomorrow and wish for good things in your dreams.. Good night.
  • You’ll never have to feel lonely or upset again. No need to be sad ever again. Just enjoy this calm night with all your heart. Relax and have a tight sleep. Good night.
  • You have many reasons to thank God. But first, you should thank him for this night which is perfect for a good sleep.. Good night!
  • Relax and get cosy with a breathable bedsheet, comfortable pillows and a lightweight blanket.
  • What makes a dream go from being an ordinary one to a sweet one? When you’re as awesome as me and you are with me. Good night!
  • Leave your worries & frustrations behind. New beginnings are on the horizon in the morning.
  • Sometimes in life, we just have to wait for the right time to start again. Sometimes this takes time and sometimes it’s the end of something. Sometimes you have to be patient and wait for the sun or some other light source so that you can start new.
  • It’s a good idea to think about all the good things you did today and prepare for future mistakes to avoid that particular problem next time. Wishing you a good night!

Baca Juga:

Selamat Istirahat untuk Pasangan

ucapan selamat malam romantis

Selain keluarga, Pins tentu ingin mengucapkan selamat istirahat dengan kata-kata romantis untuk pasangan, bukan? Bila bingung harus mengatakan apa, berikut ini ucapan selamat malam romantis dalam bahasa Inggris!

  • Goodnight baby! I want you to share a beautiful dream tonight. Just know that I’ll be there to give you a hug when you wake up!
  • Someday, we’ll finally be right next to each other in bed and the connection will deepen even more, and love will grow too.
  • Maybe you’ll dream of me as I fight every nightmare for you while you sleep soundly. I love you dearly, and it brings me so much joy to be your everything.
  • I love being able to hold you close in my arms. I wish I was right beside you tonight to hold you close and give you a hug. Good night!
  • I hope that during your day today, you’ll have a relaxing and peaceful sleep tonight. I love you more than you know, sweetie.
  • One day we’ll leave our devices at home and lay down in bed next to each other in person. I’m looking forward to that day. Have a warm and comfortable night. I really like you.
  • It may be late, but the stars shine bright tonight. You can come in and step away from the noise of your heart with a song. Just let us knock on the door of your heart to enter our dream.. Good night!
  • I think of you all day and dream about you all night. It’s great that you’re coming to your senses and realizing how much we depend on each other. Let’s have a chat about what everyone needs to do moving forward. Good night!
  • May your dreams be sweet and pleasant, beautiful. I love you to the moon and back. Night, my sweet prince charming.
  • I’m thinking about you and it feels like all my problems in the world just disappear. I love you so much. Have a good night’s sleep, my sweetheart.
  • Don’t worry, sometimes we have to sleep. Your thoughts keep me awake at night. But it doesn’t matter because I get to see your captivating face when I’m awake. Good night!
  • I love you more. I always enjoy hearing from you throughout the day, but I especially love when you text me goodnight. It means that you’re thinking of me even as you’re getting ready for bed and I can’t help but smile. Goodnight, my love.
  • As I am getting ready for bed, all I can think about is you. I love you so much that I can’t help but dream about you every night. You’re the perfect man for me and I can’t wait to spend my life with you.

Baca Juga:

Selamat Istirahat untuk Sahabat dan Teman

Ucapan selamat istirahat dalam bahasa Inggris tidak akan lengkap tanpa mengirimkannya ke sahabat dan teman. Berikut ini beberapa contoh ucapan selamat tidur untuk para sahabat.

  • I hope you have a nice sleep tonight, my best friend! I’ll see you in the morning.
  • Tonight, let the stress and worry of today go. Relax and sleep. Good night, buddy.
  • What a great day it’s been. Let’s make tomorrow even better! Good night dear friend!
  • We don’t want to bother you when you’re sleeping, but I really can’t leave without saying goodbye to you.. So good night friend!
  • I hope all your worries and concerns get out of your head and you get a good sleep ahead. Hugs, buddy! Night.
  • I know you are exhausted but that is nothing new. I was just trying to help out this evening, so take some time to rest and dream! Good night my friend. Have a sound sleep!
  • If it weren’t for a friend like you, I probably wouldn’t have seen many of life’s important moments. I’m glad we’re friends so that no matter what’s going on, we can laugh & smile together. Good night.
  • Not only do our conversations add character and glamour to my life, but they also enable me to keep up with the changing skyline of modern times.
  • I’m sorry for taking you for granted every now and then, I just got a bit lonely and missed that company at night. My feelings won’t refrain from reminding me how much I love you.
  • I usually don’t get anxious about the loneliness of night, even though my thoughts often turn to the good times. Those positive moments, however, are always enough to make me happy. Good night.
  • This year, I abstained from a lot of social media. I made a conscious decision to cut down on the amount of “likes” and look for more meaningful connections in real life. Good night my friend.

Ucapan Selamat Malam Lucu dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ungkapan selamat istirahat dalam bahasa Inggris tidak selamanya harus serius dan menyentuh hati. Ada kalanya, Pins bisa mengirimkan ucapan selamat malam yang lucu untuk menghibur penerima pesan setelah melewati hari-hari.

  • I hope you have nightmares about me if you don’t dream about me. Good evening.
  • This beautiful night’s silence reminds me of you. How can I get a good night’s sleep without bothering you?
  • For us, a nap is a type of brief death. It would be wonderful if some individuals never had to get up in the morning! You know who I’m referring to! Good evening!
  • Even a horrible person like you can benefit the rest of the planet in some way. All you have to do now is get a good night’s sleep and not wake up the next morning.
  • Do you realize how much I’m missing you right now? Please go to bed early tonight then I can see you in your dreams as soon as possible. Good evening!
  • Horror movies are best seen at night. Then going to bed knowing that ghosts don’t exist. But waking up with terror and perspiration at midnight. I wish you a night filled with all of these adventures!
  • Don’t think I don’t care if I’m a little foolish now and then. Whatever happens, I will always be there for you. Good evening.
  • Hey, the night is for sleeping, not texting. So turn off your phone and enter the realm of dreams. Good evening.
  •  I know you’re sleeping, but because I’m not asleep yet, please keep chatting with me.

Nah, itu tadi sederet kumpulan ucapan selamat istirahat dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa Pins katakan atau kirimkan ke orang-orang terdekat. Semoga bermanfaat!

Baca Juga:

Temukan pilihan rumah dan apartemen terlengkap di Aplikasi Pinhome. Dapatkan properti idaman melalui program NUP untuk akses eksklusif. Untuk kamu agen properti independen atau agen kantor properti bergabunglah menjadi rekan agen properti bersama kami dan iklankan properti kamu di sini. 

Kamu juga bisa belajar lebih lanjut mengenai properti di Property Academy by Pinhome. Gabung menjadi Rekan Jasa Pinhome melalui aplikasi Rekan Pinhome di App Store atau Google Play Store sekarang!

Hanya di yang memberikan kemudahan dalam membeli properti. Pinhome PINtar jual beli sewa properti.

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